Saturday, May 19, 2012

Revealing 4 Facts About Oral Sex

There are many variations and positions as sexual intercourse, oral sex may be one of them. Oral sex is sex with a variety stimulated through the mouth and tongue in the sex organs or sex partner.

There's nothing wrong with oral sex, what more if done by mutual agreement of both parties and fun. However, before having sex on this one, it would not hurt if you know the facts behind what you have oral sex following:

1. Almost every living thing on your genitals can live in the mouth or the back of the throat.

Why? Due to the oral environment resembling genitalia (warm, dark, damp). These conditions may put you at the same risk for sexually transmitted diseases. It is true that risk when you do a vaginal and anal penetration is much greater. But in theory, all sexually transmitted infections can be transmitted through oral sex.

2. Perform oral sex when you have cold sores, herpes can spread to the genitals.  

Cold sores are fluid-filled sores caused by herpes simplex virus infection type 1. Cold sores occur mostly in the area around the lips. There are two strains of herpes: simplex type 1, preferred to live in the mouth and simplex type 2, prefer to stay in the genitals. But this does not mean that simplex virus type 1 can not be transmitted to the genitals, and vice versa. Herpes can be transmitted a few days before symptoms appear. So, when your partner is experiencing tingling and itching caused by cold sores, they can still transmit the infection.

3. Bacterial infections can be life in the back of the throat and almost did not show any symptoms.

Bacteria such as Chlamydia and gonorrhea can live in the back of the throat, and the most common symptom is just a sore throat. Chlamydia bacterial infection of the throat will not mutate into genital Chlamydia. But, if it is not treated, over time the bacteria can spread to the lungs and cause pneumonia.

4. Bacteria living in the pre-cum (sperm that comes out before ejaculation).

Pre-cum or commonly known as pre-ejaculatory fluid is a discharge of oil from a man's penis when he was aroused. It is intended to clean and prepare the penile urethra for ejaculation. But the same bacteria that live in the ejaculate can also live in the pre-cum (pre ejaculation).

Remember: The point is, when you and your partner perform oral sex on a penis, use a condom (now available a wide selection of flavors) and when performing oral sex on a vagina, can use a dental dam.

Dental dams are rectangular sheets of latex used in dentistry, for a particular endodontic therapy, while reducing contamination. This tool can also be used as a technique of safe sex during sexual activity like oral sex.

Use of protective equipment (condoms) when performing oral sex does not mean that you do not trust their partners. Instead you use a safety, you really have to respect and protect your partner.

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