Friday, May 23, 2014

Criteria for Healthy Sex According to Doctor

Sex would be fun if done in a healthy and responsible. Each pair nobody feels aggrieved also hurt. Medically, doctors also have a healthy sexual relationship criteria.

A healthy sexual life is determined by the quality of sexual relationships. If desired sexual relations with, fun to both parties, and does not cause ill-effects both physically and psychologically, that's a healthy sexual relationship.

Couple Premature Ejaculation Make Women Frustration

Premature ejaculation is a sexual problem that can be very disturbing sexual life, not just dropping the self-image of men, but also makes her partner frustrated. For, not to mention women reach the top, the man had reached the "finish line".

A survey of 1,500 women from Mexico, Italy, and South Korea to strengthen it. Mentioned, premature ejaculation in men also cause psychological stress for women.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Natural Ways to 'Clean' Digestive Organs

As one of the important system for the body, organs of the digestive system health should always be maintained. One of them is to clean with natural ways. Like what for example?

According to Lisa Guy, nutritionists, to maintain optimal health of the digestive system of the important things is a healthy balance of intestinal flora or good bacteria. These bacteria are necessary for the body to keep the digestive system healthy and maintain immune function, as quoted from Body and Soul, Saturday (29/03/2014):

Overgrowth of bad bacteria (including yeast and parasites) are generally caused by poor diet, stress, excessive use of antibiotics, or excessive alcohol consumption.

10 Variations Foreplay It Can Make A married couple getting 'hot' in bed

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Benefits and Efficacy Apples for Health

One type of fruit that is rich in essential nutrients for the body is apple. Consuming apples regularly efficacious in improving our immune system so that we are not susceptible to disease. Besides easily found in various places, such as traditional markets and supermarkets, way of processing was fairly easy. You can make a variety of foods and beverages made ​​from apples basis. For example, apple pie, brownies apples, apple butter, apple juice, apple salad, apple chips, and so forth.

Besides apples can be processed into various types of food as mentioned above, it also has apples myriad of benefits for our bodies. Well, in this article, Mag For Beauty will discuss about the benefits or efficacy of an apple for health. You curious? Let us refer to the following reviews.

Shocking Facts Benefits of Guava For Health

Guava is a very common type of fruit but are often overlooked because of their hardness and the presence of seeds. But that is what I call a super food! It contains the goodness that will surely make you want to eat this fruit. To get super benefits guava, you need to take a fresh and eaten immediately.

In addition to the unique taste and flavor, guava has been said to have one super fruit because of the many health benefits. This simple fruit known for its potency as a medicine, vitamins and minerals in it. This fruit is rich in vitamin C and also contains carotene and antioxidants that are beneficial to skin health. Guava is consumed in various levels of maturity. Guava juice is also a refreshing drink, and it turns guava leaves can also be useful as well you know ...

How to Increase Efficacy of Garlic

Garlic's reputation as a healthy condiment can not be doubted. Regularly eat garlic can protect us from heart disease and cancer.

The experts found that the content of organosulfur garlic has anti-inflammatory effects and also stop the cholesterol synthetic. Research in the laboratory also showed organosulfur can prevent blood clots.

One important enzyme in garlic organosulfur is associated with alliinase which will be released if we slice or crush garlic.

Diet Secrets in the Seaweed

Seaweed can be an important element in weight loss efforts, said experts. Scientists at Newcastle University, said alginate component found in seaweeds can reduce fat digestion in the intestines.

The results of research published in the journal Food Chemistry, shows that one type of alginate may decrease the absorption of fat by 75 percent.

Although not regarded as sufficient food is delicious, the expert suggests that the natural fiber found in seaweed could be the key to successful weight loss.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sex Tip for Women from Mens

When making love, you should not only think about self-gratification. Think also of satisfaction and style of sex that can stimulate him to be more passionate. Sex positions-that alone can make a man so quickly tired of making love. Could not hurt to listen to requests and suggestions from him so you can both reach orgasm. Well, here are some things you want from your man during sex.

1. Kissing the back
Men often want you give another variation to stimulate them. One way is by stroking their backs. Or, give a gentle kiss on their backs. You would not think that his back was sensitive enough to react to your touch, right?

4 Tricks To Orgasm Arrive Simultaneously

Not fair if only your spouse are able to reach orgasm. It would be better if you and your partner can reach orgasm together. Because orgasm not only gives a sense of satisfaction when having sex, but also helps improve healthy relationships. You and he will feel more loved, cared for, and happy.

"Reaching climax with a gap of a few seconds between you and your partner are the most satisfying sexual moments for both of you," says Ian Kerner, PhD, sex expert who is also the author of He Comes Next. "Every sensation will be stronger because you experience it together."

Well, how to keep your orgasm and the he arrived simultaneously?

Spontaneous Sex Better?

Everyone wants a perfect love life, you are no exception. But have you got?

There may be a lot of questions about getting the perfect love life. But there are some myths about sex is still mistakenly believed a lot of people.

5 Myths Sexual Health

Technology allows people to get information, but the information obtained may not be accurate. Abundant information about sex, for example, is very easily obtained via the Internet. However the information is mixed between facts and myths. To straighten it, the following five sexual health myths you need to know.

1. Myth: using two condoms better
In fact, the use of condoms, the more does not mean better. By using two condoms, the possibility of leaking even greater. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), using condoms can prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV, and unplanned pregnancy. However, previous way is by not having sex or be faithful to one partner.

Husband Obesity Causes Fertility Disorders

Is obesity husband cause fertility problems that affect the quality and quantity of sperm, causing hard pregnant wife?

Sexologist and specialist andrology, Wimpie Pangkahila, said her husband suffered obesity problem can indeed be a cause of fertility problems.

He continued, various disorders or diseases can lead to obesity, such as testosterone deficiency. In fact, among others, testosterone is necessary for sperm production.

Early Detection of Baby Brain Reduce Impact of Autism

Scientists say they have new evidence that autism starts in the womb. Incomplete development of the brain long before the birth of a baby is likely to cause the symptoms of autism spectrum disorder, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

This finding raises hopes for a better understanding of the brain that can improve the lives of children with autism. The research team at the University of California say the findings reinforce the need for early identification and intervention in autism.

In that study, American scientists analyzed the brain tissue after death of 22 children with and without autism aged between 2-15 years. They used genetic markers to see how the outer portion of the brain, the cortex and the other layers of the brain.

Treatment with Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has long been recognized as an important ingredient in the treatment thanks to the gel and latex produced the thick-leaved plants. Gel is a clear slimy substance that is obtained when the plants break down. While latex is derived from the yellow layer just beneath the skin leaves.

Aloe vera can be consumed by cutting the meat into cubes and cook with water and syrup, then served as a dessert. Alternatively, the consumption of aloe vera as a juice.

Consumption of aloe vera can help overcome some of the following disorders:

Overcome Stress if wanting Pregnant

A recent study published in the journal Human Reproduction showed that stress affects a woman's ability to conceive. Therefore, experts advise women who become pregnant to try a number of techniques to cope with stress.

"Yoga, meditation, and peace of mind proved successful public health impact. It can also help overcome the problem of infertility," said Courtney D Lynch, Director of Reproductive Epidemiology Ohio State University.