Thursday, March 27, 2014

Husband Obesity Causes Fertility Disorders

Is obesity husband cause fertility problems that affect the quality and quantity of sperm, causing hard pregnant wife?

Sexologist and specialist andrology, Wimpie Pangkahila, said her husband suffered obesity problem can indeed be a cause of fertility problems.

He continued, various disorders or diseases can lead to obesity, such as testosterone deficiency. In fact, among others, testosterone is necessary for sperm production.

While the amount of sperm that is not too much, may be true can affect chance of pregnancy, but may also not be true. To be sure, the course is required examination, including examination of sperm

Analysis of sperm, said Wimpie, not only to its volume, but it also includes the color, the smell, the number of cells, movement, and shape. Therefore, couples need to get a checkup to evaluate fertility. Thus, if there is interference, it can be overcome.

It should be understood that the pregnancy is necessary for good fertility on husband and wife. In addition, sexual intercourse should be done during fertile wife. Therefore, sexual intercourse should be regularly order at a time when sexual intercourse takes place fertile wife.

If irregular sexual relations, then it should be set to be done at the time when his wife is experiencing fertile. To determine whether or not a state of good fertility, to do a special examination, both the husband and wife.

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