Sunday, February 6, 2011

Nine Mood Modifiers

Food is not only a major source to meet the nutritional needs for the body every day, but also can be a mood modifier.
At certain times, sometimes we need some types of foods that can balancing or improve your mood is down . Here are some foods that are believed to improve and change your mood:

1. Popcorn
Favorite food while watching this movie could actually change the mood so much brighter. However, remember to only eat low-fat popcorn. Do not add butter or saturated fats. Popcorn both to increase energy and improve mood.

2. Hot chocolate
Phytochemicals found in cocoa beans known to positively enhance mood and lower blood pressure. Drink a cup of hot chocolate before bed, so sleep became more and more soundly.

3. Low-fat milk
This is a drink that can make you feel good. A healthy milk is low in fat. Drink one or two glasses of milk a day.

4. Chocolate
This food is a favorite of many people at a time when hearts are sad. Choose dark chocolate than milk chocolate. If possible, choose dark chocolate with 70 percent levels. Eat a little. If directly consume a lot, your mood is improving, but it quickly would be sad again.

5. Coffee
One or two cups of coffee before the day was the god of helpers for coffee lovers. Research clearly proves that caffeine increases physical performance and mental health, if consumed in moderation. Coffee latte is a drink that instantly make a more cheerful heart. Espresso is also good for improving mood, provided you do not consume too much caffeine. You alone can determine how much caffeine may be consumed, so no cause nervousness and other health problems. The best time to drink coffee is before lunch. Then, switch to green tea or water after lunch.

6. Wheat
Choose brown rice, whole wheat bread or wheat pasta and breakfast cereals that contain more fiber than sugar. Foods high in fiber and low in sugar is believed to help keep the mood, especially in the hours after breakfast or lunch.

7. Eggs
Food is good for your brain and temperament. Eat an egg, including yellow, in the morning if possible. That's because egg yolks contain lecithin which is good for brain cells. Eggs can be cooked in any form, provided that not too often fried.

Beware of egg yolk because it can raise cholesterol levels and risk of heart attack. Consult with your doctor about how often you can eat egg yolks a week.

8. Low-fat milk
This is a drink that can make you feel good. A healthy milk is low in fat. Drink one or two glasses of milk a day.

9. Grape juice
This drink is similar to red wine, contains polyphenols that maintain heart health and reduces the risk of stroke. In addition, grape juice also helps keep your mood and prevent aging of the brain.

Researchers at the Tufts ever evaluating the effect of grape juice in the rat brain. The researchers believe that the effects of grape juice in mice was the same as in humans. The key is to drink pure juice with no added sugar and no skin peeling

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