Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Beware, Vitamin Can Make Thin

Who says that vitamins can increase appetite? Precisely vitamins can make your baby more and more thin if the excess.

Be careful, the provision of vitamins in excess can accumulate these vitamins in a child's body to side effects, especially the class of vitamins that are not soluble in water, such as vitamins A, D, E, and K.

"Excess vitamin A can cause heads so dizzy," said Dr. Najib Advani, SpAK, MMed, Paed of part of Child Health, Faculty of medicine Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta.

In fact, water-soluble vitamins too, such as vitamin C, also should not be given in high doses. "Excess vitamin C cause kidney stones, in addition to cause irritation of the stomach to stomach feels sore. Moreover, if the gift in a long time, children become dependent on vitamin C. The medical term, a rebound," he said.

That is why, the doctor is very "stingy" when asked for a prescription vitamin baby vitamin though he used to prescribe has been exhausted. You see, the provision of vitamins for infants and children is not recommended for a lifetime.

No increase appetite

Generally, parents provide vitamins for the baby to gain weight because the purpose of vitamins is believed to increase appetite. In fact, vitamin considered so efficacious overcome difficult children eat, parents are often half forcing doctors to give vitamins though his son had a good diet and body fat as well.

In fact, none of which merit vitamins directly increase appetite even when your baby will not eat because of pain and the doctor gave him vitamins. In addition, not because these vitamins can increase appetite, but for child nutrition not less. "Unless the baby is deficient in vitamin B complex because of its effects is to make people so poor appetite," he said.

So do not believe the nonsense that says vitamins to increase appetite. Do not also think, the more overweight babies means more good. It is precisely when the little one already thin often given vitamins, vitamin deficiency while his baseball, then we should feel ashamed.

Do not forget, the excess vitamin can cause stomach irritation. As a result, even so the child would not eat. If it were so, no weight gain, but the body becomes increasingly emaciated. "Well, it's, we might as well look after him no good. Not so," he said.

Consult your doctor

After all, as a layman, is rather difficult for us to detect the small vitamin deficiency or not, especially in cases that are not too heavy (marginal). In addition, the characteristics of vitamin deficiency should also be seen case by case basis. Lack of vitamin A, for example, "usually in the whites of the eyes will look cloudy. If ignored, after a long time there will be spots," said Najib.

Vitamin A deficiency can also make your baby often experience an infection, like strep throat. "Not that if your child has strep throat, he was deficient in vitamin A, you know. So, do not be reversed, yes, ma'am, sir," he said.

About weight loss is also not an absolute measure of children deficient in vitamin. "Indeed, often the child's weight is less vitamins are also lacking. However, baseball can be reversed that children who lean means less vitamin," he said. Metabolism of children who lack vitamins, said Najib, also not good to lose weight.

So, the best would first consult with your doctor if your baby needs a vitamin. "Usually the doctor will first look at his diet. If it is good, yes, baseball needs to vitamins," he said. For example, infants who consume milk. "When the mother nutrition and adequate intake of vitamins is good, it means that the baby did not absolutely need extra vitamins. Hopefully, the breastfeeding baby needs are met," he said.

Similarly, formula-fed infants, "if the formula milk already contains vitamin with adequate levels based on recommended daily allowances or needs every day baby, baby do not need extra vitamins," he said. "However, with notes, menyusunya pattern is also good, you know," he said again.

Even if the little thin and hard to eat, the doctor also will not directly provide vitamins, but saw the case first. The little one does not like to eat vegetables and fruit, for example, means that he takes vitamin C. Well, vitamin C is given.

Four conditions

Generally, doctors giving vitamins to babies when experienced one or more of four conditions:

1. His diet was not good.

Sometimes babies want to eat or drink milk, but sometimes not. For example, the four-month old baby not feeding well, but at this age he had not received any additional food. Obviously he needs vitamins. However, what vitamins they need, dokterlah who know better.

2. When sick or recovering from an illness.

In this condition, babies need vitamin. Usually the new baby sick poor appetite and increased vitamin needs. So, for adequate nutritional intake, she should receive vitamin. Once healthy again, giving vitamin discontinued.

3. Low weight.

Infants with low weight or less than 2.5 kilograms also need extra vitamins. Low weight could be due to premature birth (not just months). Usually, iron-deficient premature infants was needed to iron supplements. In the market there are actually a special formula for premature babies. It can be given to vitamin not absolutely necessary.

Other things in the baby was born just months but small. This baby obviously need extra vitamins. Usually a small baby who was born just months but this caused little problem in the placenta when the baby is still in the womb, until the food supply from mother to fetus is less good. So, he was born with low weight.

4. Not exposed to sunlight.

Babies are not exposed to sunlight need vitamins, especially vitamin D supplements However, these cases usually occur in the four seasons. When winter comes, baby can not be taken out because it can be cold and the sun was rarely there.

In the skin, said Najib, there are ingredients to make vitamin D. However, to produce vitamin D, skin should be exposed to the sun first. "So, if there is no sunlight, the process could take place," he said.

In our country would rarely happen infants are deficient in vitamin D. Is not our country is rich in sunlight? Moreover, Indonesian mothers usually often drying the baby in the morning when the sun shows itself new.

Mineral Needs

In addition to vitamins, minerals provision would not be excessive. When the baby tooth eruption was likewise, for example, do not rush to give her calcium supplements because it is not necessarily needed. Besides, the normal age of tooth eruption between 6 and 12 months. After all, this was not the benchmark must be because there are babies that have been erupting at such an early age of four months. The reason, said Najib, tooth eruption is also influenced by innate factors of children.

So, if your child eats any menyusunya good and well but he has not experienced tooth eruption, meaning he did not need extra calcium. Would not they satisfy their need for calcium than milk? Do not forget that milk is rich in calcium. Conversely, if the baby teeth have erupted, but drank less milk, he clearly took calcium supplements.

Certainly not hnay calcium. Other minerals such as phosphorus and fluorine would not be excessive. Fluorine, for example, it is important to the strength of teeth. Fluoride intake from drinking water obtained. When drinking water levels of less than 0.3 ppm (parts per million), fluoride supplementation is needed, can be in the form of a tablet or a multivitamin. However, when levels are 0.3 ppm or more, "added fluorine obviously not needed anymore," he said.

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