Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nine Ways to Avoid Caesar

Caesarean action even without a medical indication, in fact increased. Many women think that a cesarean delivery to prevent them from pain and difficulty in childbirth. In fact, the act contains a higher risk of caesarean section compared with vaginal delivery.

A five-year study in France, published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology has recently revealed that the maternal mortality rate by Caesarean are three times more likely than mothers who gave birth to normal. Death was caused by complications of surgery in the form of blood clotting (thrombosis), infection, and complications of anesthesia.

To avoid a cesarean delivery, experts from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologsts (ACOG), as quoted dad CNN Health recommends:

1. Consuming adequate nutrition during pregnancy.

During the mothers and healthy babies, the possibility of having high-risk pregnancies will be reduced, and medical indications for cesarean delivery was decreased. That is, the mother has a great opportunity to give birth naturally. Increase consumption of healthy carbohydrates, especially during the two weeks before giving birth to get enough energy.

2. Stay active.

Do not lie in bed for no reason because you're only pregnant, not sick. Stay active during pregnancy it will simplify the delivery process, it is better to deal or a better self-control during childbirth.

3. Stay at home at least until they reach the third opening.

Early days of giving birth will seem very long, especially for women who first give birth. Mom will feel more comfortable, less stressful, and less pain while still living in their own homes, rather than when the rush to the hospital. This will also prevent you from interventions, such as induction, which could increase the chances of Caesarean.

4. Avoid actions to accelerate the induction of labor.

If not necessary do not want to undergo induction. Dr. Michael Klein of the University of British Columbia states that 44 percent of women who are induced end up with a cesarean. Most induction action failed because the stimulation was performed when the cervix is not ready. And again a research revealed that up to 42 weeks gestation were classified as normal, so no need to hurry baby is born.

5. Stay eat and drink according to taste.

Recent studies show that women are allowed to keep eating and drinking before the time of delivery, will be faster through labor, giving birth to infants with high Apgar values, blood sugar problems and metabolic less, and require less pain medication.

6. Use a natural pain reliever.

Warm therapy, massage, music, visualization, hypnosis, is effective to reduce pain before delivery. Drugs, including the epidural, it can increase the chances of Caesarean action.

7. Use natural stimuli if possible.

If the contraction is not too strong, most doctors use certain drugs, such as a synthetic form of oxytocin which carries the risk of pain is more intense, the contractions are stronger, and longer, so we need pain medication, to the risk of caesarean section. Try to choose walking or nipple that can stimulate release of natural oxytocin in the body and also a natural pain reliever, endorphins.

8. Carefully choose doctors and hospitals.

Find doctors and hospitals who caesarnya low level operation. There are doctors who persistently support the patient to be able to give birth normally, while others quickly suggest a cesarean section. Therefore, seek information from various parties about the doctor or hospital that is not fanatical about Caesarean.

9. If doctors decide on the action section, please explain.

There are various conditions that make the doctor finally recommends action to the patient's cesarean section, when it was in the delivery room. Ask how necessary action to save the baby and mother

source : http://health.kompas.com

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