Tuesday, February 8, 2011

When to Keep Slimming Drugs?

Obesity and all its complications can reduce the quality of life, ranging from limitations of motion, decrease in self-confidence, until the risk of various diseases.

Obesity is a state of excessive accumulation of body fat so that weight well above normal and could endanger health. Body mass index or body mass index (BMI) has been recognized as a method in determining the level of overweight and obesity.

BMI is obtained by dividing weight (kilograms) by square of height (meters). Someone said to overweight if his BMI values over 25 and is obese if his BMI over 30.

The problem of obesity is classified as chronic and difficult to control. "Obesity is a disease with a genetic factor and a major health problem. The increase in body weight after the drug was stopped, also show obesity is a chronic disease, like hypertension," said dr. John Chandrawinata, MND, Sp.GK.

That is why, the management of obesity are also long term. However, during this penananganan identical towith reduction of obesity which is considered torture eat so often fail .

"The condition of obesity is the result of long-term. Therefore, it is also handling the long term," he said at an event about the security of anti-obesity medication that Clinic Nutrition Medical Association held in Jakarta (1 / 12).

Ideally, obesity therapy is done by setting a healthy diet, behavior modification, and exercise to increase energy expenditure.

Assisted drug
Sometimes the patient also needs the help of medical drugs that have proven its safety. The use of obesity drugs for people who already have a certain criteria, such as BMI values over 30 and adapted to the patient's disease history.

However, according dr.Johanes enough patients IMT was not yet 30 but already have prescription weight loss medication. "There are people who are not included obesity, but already experienced in abdominal fat deposition. It is also dangerous," he said.

Weight loss drug circulating in Indonesia are of two types, namely a central work by suppressing appetite and increasing satiety and drugs that work in the gut by inhibiting the absorption of nutrients.

In determining the type of drug to be used, the doctor will see indications and kontraindikasinya. "Drugs actual weight loss, including prescription drugs. Therefore, it can not be careless consumption," said dr.Johanes.

Also of note are patients with drug side effects. Obesity drug that works at the nerve center such as class subutramine now withdrawn permission orbit since proven to cause interference with the heart.

source : www.health.kompas.com  

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