Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Can Babies Given OTC?

Most parents do not dare to give free medicine to the baby. In fact, should, really, babies are given free medicines. But with the note, he really needed it.

Of course we can just use OTC drugs to overcome the ill child, especially if your child is 6 months old upwards. OTC usually divided by 2, ie outside the medication and swallow drugs. "Generally, the drug outside of a liquid, ointment or ointment is used to treat sores, bumps, bumps, itching, or other,"said dr. Waldi Nurhamzah SpA.

The outside of the free drug most often used is an antiseptic treatment for wounds (merkurokrom, boorwater, rivanol, povidone iodine) and heating oils such as oil or oil telon wasps. But we must be careful in the administration. Look, what is the reaction that arises after the administration of redness, bump-bump, or other. You see, it could be, right, little one could not stand against the drug outside of it.

In fact, continued Waldi, not many foreign drugs that can be bought without a prescription. For example, topical medications containing steroids, "a very powerful combat the itching, eczema, and some allergic skin reactions. But because of its severity, foreign drugs that contain steroids may only be obtained by prescription only." Examples of these drugs include Apolar, Benoson, Decoderm, Elocon, lox, Kenacort, Locoid, Synalar.

If the drug is applied to the skin of babies, some drugs will be absorbed by the body to increase the concentration of infants to drugs in the baby's body unnaturally. Also, it can also be seen on drug skin reactions such as skin ointment smeared look whitish.

Other foreign drugs also need a prescription but is often used indiscriminate antibiotic. This is dangerous. If your baby is sensitive to the ointment, the reaction is going to be dangerous. For example, an ointment containing penicillin, tetracycline, gentamicin, neomycin. "If given to infants or children who do not hold, there will be a great reaction." Although only applied a little, the reaction can be fatal.

 Drug swallow

The important note that medication should be attributed to age does a baby / child. Do not forget, see the expiration date. After the drug is obtained, always read the first explanatory notes attached to the packaging. There, listed among others, the dose and schedule of administration and side effects.

If your child does not likewise recovered after being given the drug, do not immediately change medicine because no drugs that can eliminate disease very briefly. Are not all drugs need a process to heal? For example, little heat. Had twice given drug A but has not come down, then replaced drug B was immediately dropped. Do not rush to say B efficacious drugs while drug A is not efficacious. Because the hot little chance it was time to go down when given the drug B.

After all, there could be little one does not go away because the medicine is given with the wrong dose. For example, the little 5-month-old had a rather large body for his age. Means, the doses listed in the brochure with the phrase "for babies under 6 months" certainly fits baseball if given to him. Well, to know the right dose, the child inevitably need to be brought to the doctor.

The schedule and duration of

Note also the schedule of drug administration; match with the one shown in the brochure. A maximum of usually 4 times daily. Thus, the length of 6 hours. Do not forget, one day equals 24 hours. "But often people do not calculate like that. Many who count one day only 12 hours to schedule the administration of drugs when divided by 4 is only 3 hours. This is clearly wrong," said Waldi. Moreover, when drugs are given only during the day, while the night was given. This, right, baseball effectively.

Typically permitted to try to provide free drugs for 2-3 days. The rest, you should immediately contact the health worker to make sure what the disease and its treatment. Certainly there are cases that do not have to wait 2-3 days and try and error with medications, such as when your child vomiting continuously, seizures, or appear unconscious.
source : www.health.kompas.com 

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