Sunday, February 6, 2011

Want To Lose Weight?

How many times have you tried to lose weight? A few, right? Don't worry, you are definitely not alone. I myself and somewhat of a success story I guess you could say. Now, I don't mean like the Subway guy who dropped 84 pants sizes (or whatever it was), however I did drop several pants sizes, and no longer have a huge belly.
Not only that, my hips are skinner, my muffin top is all but gone, and my man boobs (man I hate saying those words), have shrunk to a man like chest :)

And you are probably thinking to yourself; Oh, here we go. Another guy who dropped all this weight. Probably with steroids, or lypo, right? Wrong!
I did it not by dieting, in fact I eat more often that I used to, not by spending hours in the gym every day, and certainly not by injecting myself with some illegal and dangerous supplements, or some 'magic' pills.
I did it by altering the way I do things. I'll admit, it was a little strange at first. But after a week or so it became second nature to me. It's kinda like driving a car. When you first start learning you are crunching gears, bunny hopping down the road, and you are concentrating on everyting that you do. After short period of learning, you start to drive without even thinking, right? Then you can talk, listen to the radio, change lanes without any fuss. It becomes second nature to you, right?
Well, what I learned about my dietary needs and exercise was no different to driving a car! You see, at fist it was a little bumpy and I wasn't 100% sure what how much food I was meant to be eating, which foods were helping me to lose weight and which ones weren't, and before too long, I was doing it all automatically and without a second thought.
And guess what? My body LOVES me for it! So does my wife, our 'bedroom time' is better, we are both happier and our friends think we've found some fountain of youth or something. Quite funny really. And all because we are following some simple rules and getting a little active.

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